[vtkusers] Iteration help

Shiva Bissoon sbissoo2 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 25 15:45:37 EDT 2001

Hi all,
I am having some problems with iteration and I am hoping someone can assist.
I am trying to create some random integers for positions of x, y and 
z.However, it just doesn't seem to recognize the parameters.if someone can 
run this and perhaps give some advise, I would be most grateful.

Thanks in advance,
Shiva Bissoon
##create the actor--add iteration here!!!

#here is the test iteration

		for {set i 1} {$i < 4} {incr i} {

		vtkMath math$i

		   set $x [math$i Random -2 2]
		   set $y [math$i Random -1 1]
		   set $z [math$i Random -1 1]

  			vtkActor contActor$i
    			contActor$i SetMapper contMapper
    			contActor$i SetOrigin 1 10 0
			contActor$i SetPosition $x $y $z
    			#contActor SetPosition 0.3 .5  .5
    			[contActor$i GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0
   			# contActor RotateX 10
			ren1 AddActor contActor$i
			renWin Render
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