[vtkusers] VTK Java problem

Peter F Bradshaw pfb at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 16 06:43:19 EDT 2001

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Arvind Lakshmikumar wrote:

> Sorry about this repost..I don't have the earlier mentioned pblm
> anymore..Have a different one now:
> Here's a transcript of my make session
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> /home/kla/Java/jdk1.2/bin/javac -d /usr/local/src/vtk/Java_Classes/vtk
> ../java/vtk/vtkOverrideInformationCollection.java
> ../java/vtk/vtkOverrideInformationCollection.java:18: Class
> vtk.vtkOverrideInformation not found.
>   private native void AddItem_2(vtkOverrideInformation id0);
>                       ^
> ../java/vtk/vtkOverrideInformationCollection.java:19: Class
> vtk.vtkOverrideInformation not found.
>   public void AddItem(vtkOverrideInformation id0)
>               ^
> ../java/vtk/vtkOverrideInformationCollection.java:22: Class
> vtk.vtkOverrideInformation not found.
>   private native vtkOverrideInformation GetNextItem_3();
>                                         ^
> ../java/vtk/vtkOverrideInformationCollection.java:23: Class
> vtk.vtkOverrideInformation not found.
>   public vtkOverrideInformation GetNextItem()
>                                 ^
> 4 errors
> make[1]: *** [../java/vtk/vtkOverrideInformationCollection.class] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/vtk/common'
> make: *** [build_common] Error 2
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Would be helpful if someone can tell me whats going on..

Hi Arvind;

I notice that you are putting your vtk class files in
/usr/local/src/vtk/Java_Classes/vtk. I suspect that your CLASSPATH variable is
set to this directory as well and there is a bunch of *.java there. Is it
possible that you are updating Vtk from a previous revision? If so this could
be the problem. You need to ensure that you CLASSPATH points only to Vtk rev 
3.2 *.java files.

In my case I am compiling the library in ~/software/Libraries/vtk3.2 and my
class files will end up in /usr/local/vtk/java/ (in package vtk). So, in my
user.make JAVA_CLASS_HOME=/usr/local/vtk/java. Normally my
CLASSPATH=/usr/local/vtk/java which previously contained my Vtk rev 3.1.2
*.class and *.java files. But berfore I make rev 3.2 in
~/software/Libraries/vtk3.2 I must unset CLASSPATH and then
export CLASSPATH=~/software/Libraries/vtk3.2/java so that there is no
contamination between the two revs.

Hope this helps.


Peter F Bradshaw          | http://members.dingoblue.net.au/~pfb
pfb at users.sourceforge.net | PGP public key at
http://www.pfb.tsx.org    | http://members.dingoblue.net.au/~pfb/public_key.html
ICQ 75431157 (exadios)    | "Needs more salt" - Archimedes

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