[vtkusers] (no subject)

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Apr 13 11:59:56 EDT 2001


>>>>> "prateek" == prateek arora <prateek_arora at indiatimes.com> writes:

    prateek> HI I am new to VTK. I am successfully installed
    prateek> vtk. However when I run an example from my home dir the
    prateek> following is the error I get. any help is appreciated
    prateek> thanks prateek

    prateek> vtk /contrib/vtk/graphics/examplesTcl/Cone.tcl Error in
    prateek> startup script: couldn't read file
    prateek> "../../examplesTcl/vtkInt.tcl": no such file or directory
    prateek> while executing "source $VTK_TCL/vtkInt.tcl" (file
    prateek> "/contrib/vtk/graphics/examplesTcl/Cone.tcl" line 6)

I am not a Tcl expert but the foll should work

cd /contrib/vtk/graphics/examplesTcl/
vtk Cone.tcl

If you want this to work from anywhere you need to set a few variables
in your ~/.wishrc  something like this may work.

set VTKDATA "/contrib/vtkdata"
set SOURCEPATH "/contrib/vtk/examples/examplesTcl"


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