[vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData Bug/Feature
Erik Sobel
erik.sobel at alphatech.com
Thu Apr 12 13:32:42 EDT 2001
I noticed some strange behavior with the vtkClipPolyData filter - it's
either a bug or a feature...
The problem is... if you have N scalars in your input data and you use the
filter you would expect to get N or fewer scalars out.
In fact, you can very easily get MORE scalars out than you put in. Even
more confusing, is that the value of the scalars which pass through the
filter are not exactly the same as the input scalars.
Is the filter clipping and then interpolating?
If you are clipping using an implicit function you might be able to turn
off the interpolation using a method you wish was named InterpolationOn/Off
but, in the time honored VTK tradition, is actually called
SetGenerateClipScalars - but, you can't use this method when clipping
based on input scalars.
Here's a little example.
vtkSphereSource sphere
sphere Update
set num_pts [[sphere GetOutput] GetNumberOfPoints]
vtkScalars scalars
scalars SetNumberOfScalars $num_pts
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_pts} {incr i} {scalars SetScalar $i [expr $i % 2]}
[[sphere GetOutput] GetPointData] SetScalars scalars
vtkClipPolyData clipper
clipper SetInput [sphere GetOutput]
clipper GenerateClipScalarsOff
clipper SetValue 0.5
clipper Update
set num_scalars [[[[sphere GetOutput] GetPointData] GetScalars]
set clip_pts [[clipper GetOutput] GetNumberOfPoints]
set clip_scalars [[[[clipper GetOutput] GetPointData] GetScalars]
puts "The sphere has $num_pts pts and $num_scalars scalars"
puts "The clipper has $clip_pts pts and $clip_scalars scalars"
puts "scalar num source scalar clipped scalar (threshold = [clipper
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_scalars} {incr i} {
puts "$i [scalars GetScalar $i] [[[[clipper GetOutput] GetPointData]
GetScalars] GetScalar $i]"
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