[vtkusers] Program crash with vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter + vtkActor

Leonardo Florez lflorez at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Wed Apr 11 09:16:15 EDT 2001

Hi everybody,

(at the end of this message is the "problematic" code segment)
I'm using a vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter with a pipeline connection to
a vtkActor in a TCL/TK8.3 application. When it starts and executes this
code for the first time, no error occurs. But when the application has
to execute this code again, in the same application process (I mean,
without closing the application), it crashes the application after
execution of "catch {connActor Delete}" command and finish the
application. I don't know what happens, could anybody help me?, or is
this a vtk's bug?


"problematic" code segment (written for TCL/TK 8.3):
catch {some_render RemoveActor connActor}
catch {connActor Delete}  <-HERE OCCURS APPLICATION'S CRASH->
catch {connMapper Delete}
catch {isoStrips Delete}
catch {cpd Delete}
catch {conn Delete}
vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter conn
vtkCleanPolyData cpd
    cpd SetInput [conn GetOutput]
vtkStripper isoStrips
    isoStrips SetInput [cpd GetOutput]
    isoStrips Update
vtkPolyDataMapper connMapper
    connMapper SetInput [isoStrips GetOutput]
    connMapper ScalarVisibilityOff
vtkActor connActor
    connActor SetMapper connMapper
some_render AddActor connActor

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