[vtkusers] Saving resliced images as TIFF's

Julian Humphries julian at essaustin.com
Tue Apr 10 15:02:00 EDT 2001


I am still relatively new to vtk and am having a problem figuring out how
to save a resliced image volume.  I read in the data from raw files with
no problem and can even display the resliced data with vtkimageviewer.  This 
allows me to save the displayed images via SaveImageAsPPM.  

However, I would prefer to save the files in TIFF format and I would prefer
not to have to display the image in a windows (you get weird stuff in your
images if you try to use your screen while reslicing is happening). Also, it
makes it more difficult to run batch reslicing.  So the real question is
how I can set the SetZSlice and then use the TIFFwriter, starting with
a vtkImageReslice object.  Hope that is clear.

Thanks in advance,

Julian Humphries

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