[vtkusers] Looping help for iterations????Anyone
Shiva Bissoon
sbissoo2 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 10 14:48:54 EDT 2001
Hi all,
I have run into a problem with iterating and I was hoping someone would help
me debug my program.
This program creates a simple cube with some particles in it.It is tedious
and time consuming if I want to add 100 particles to place 100 actors,so, I
tried having a loop so that I can loop through and add the actors but it
doesn't seem to work.
I have shown how three particles would be added...using
if someone can assist me I would be most grateful.
#created on April 10th 2001, by Shiva Bissoon
#try and create an iteration for the particles.
catch {load vtktcl}
source vtkInt.tcl
source colors.tcl
#create a window and renderer
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
#to add a simple cube first
#create a cube
vtkCubeSource cuber
cuber SetXLength 3
cuber SetYLength 3
cuber SetZLength 3
#create the mapper
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper
mapper SetInput [cuber GetOutput]
#create the actor
vtkActor cube
cube SetMapper mapper
#[cube GetProperty] SetColor 0.8900 0.0900 0.0500
[cube GetProperty] SetOpacity 0.3
#creates some particles
#define a Quadric definition
vtkQuadric quadric
quadric SetCoefficients .5 1 .2 0 .1 0 0 .2 0 0
#define a sample function
vtkSampleFunction sample
sample SetSampleDimensions 50 50 50
sample SetImplicitFunction quadric
#sample SetModelBounds 0 1 0 1 2 0
sample Update
sample Print
#Create one elliptical surface F(x,y,z) = constant between range specified
vtkContourFilter contours
contours SetInput [sample GetOutput]
#contours GenerateValues 1 1.2 1.2
#create the mapper
vtkPolyDataMapper contMapper
contMapper SetInput [contours GetOutput]
contMapper ScalarVisibilityOff
#vtkLODActor contourActor1
#contourActor1 SetMapper contMapper
#[contourActor1 GetProperty] SetColor 1.0000 0.5490 0.0000
#contMapper SetScalarRange 0.0 1.2
##create the actor--add iteration here!!!
#here is the test iteration
vtkMath math
for {set i 1} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
set $x [math Random -2 2]
set $y [math Random -1 1]
set $z [math Random -1 1]
vtkActor contActor$i
contActor$i SetMapper contMapper
contActor$i SetOrigin 1 10 0
contActor$i SetPosition $x $y $z
#contActor SetPosition 0.3 .5 .5
[contActor GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0
# contActor RotateX 10
#it doesn't work.
#add another actor
vtkActor contActor2
contActor2 SetMapper contMapper
contActor2 SetOrigin 1 10 0
contActor2 SetPosition 0 .2 -.5
[contActor2 GetProperty] SetColor 0.2510 0.8784 0.8157
contActor RotateX 2
contActor RotateY 5
#add a third actor
vtkActor contActor3
contActor3 SetMapper contMapper
contActor3 SetOrigin 1 10 0
contActor3 SetPosition -.2 .25 .1
[contActor3 GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 1
contActor RotateY 1
# add the actors and backgrd
renWin SetSize 500 500
#ren1 SetBackground 1.0000 0.8941 0.7098
ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
ren1 AddActor contActor$i
#ren1 AddActor outlineActor
ren1 AddActor contActor2
ren1 AddActor contActor3
#add the actor to the render window
ren1 AddActor cube
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Azimuth 20
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Elevation 10
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Dolly 1.1
ren1 ResetCameraClippingRange
# enable user interface interactor
iren SetUserMethod {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
iren Initialize
renWin Render
ren1 SetBackground 1.0000 0.9804 0.9804
renWin SetSize 300 300
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .
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