[vtkusers] picking problems/getting Point IDs

Karin Faulhaber faulhabe at ipf.uni-karlsruhe.de
Wed Apr 4 12:51:39 EDT 2001


I still have a problem getting the IDs of picked points: 
I have a vtkPolyData with a couple of points building one polyVertex. If
I pick one of them, I get the right ID. OK.

Next step: These points have scalar values attached which I use for
Glyphs (spheres for the moment). If I pick now, I seem to get some ID of
the sphere or something. Anyway, I only have 4 points in this test
dataset, and the IDs I get are something like 132. 
Using a cellPicker instead of a pointPicker doesn't help, and since a
vtkGlyph isn't a vtkProp I can't change it to not pickable.

So, does anyone have an idea how to get the point ID in a polyvertex
when there are glyphs at the pick location???


Karin Faulhaber
Universitaet Karlsruhe
Institut fuer Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (IPF)
Englerstr. 7 
76128 Karlsruhe

Tel: 0721/608-3676
E-Mail: faulhaber at ipf.uni-karlsruhe.de

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