[vtkusers] Mixing Cell Data and PointData in a vtk file

Simon J. Rees sjrees at okstate.edu
Mon Apr 2 15:55:30 EDT 2001

I would like to put scalars into my vtk unstructured file as point data, and
put my vectors in as cell data. My question is regarding the formatting of
the file. I understand I need to write POINT_DATA and CELL_DATA into the
file before I write the data. My question is can I write the two types of
data alternately. In other words can I have several sections of alternating
data, like this:

POINT_DATA  npoints
CELL_DATA ncells
POINT_DATA npoints
CELL_DATA ncells

and so on,

or can I only have one section of each type of data in the file? I am having
problems getting this to work as I want and the documentation on the file
formats is not to clear on this point?



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