[vtkusers] Design question (dataset relationship)

Sebastien BARRE seb-ml-vtk at barre.nom.fr
Thu Sep 7 21:53:52 EDT 2000

At 12:17 07/09/00 -0400, Gerald Dalley a écrit:

>If the search point is not located within the bounding box of the dataset to
>be searched, there is a tendency to end up doing a linear search if you
>modify the source code to handle, but FindClosestPoint can be modified to
>handle these cases: allow for quick-fail searching of non-existent buckets
>(which is already partially implemented).  I'd imagine that similar
>extensions could be made to the other methods, but I haven't looked in

OK, I wrote a vtksbNearestPoint filter, and it works OK. But as I told you, 
my problem is constrained : find the nearest point in the normal direction, 
and bound to a given search distance.

I had to use both a vtkCellLocator to find the cell intersecting the ray, 
and a vtkPointLocator to find the nearest point to the intersection point 
(do *not* trust the subId returned by vtkCellLocator->IntersectWithLine).

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