[vtkusers] Proposed Changes to vtkRenderWindowInteractor

Olivier Coulon o.coulon at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 6 05:54:59 EDT 2000

"David E. Jones" wrote:

>  I'd like to use vtkRenderWindowInteractor in a program written using
> tcl/tk.
>  Is it possible to pack the vtkRenderWindow and some tk widgets into
> the same
>  tk frame ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave


you can use the vtkTkRenderWidget. As it is defined as a tk widget, you
can pack it as you would do normally. Then if you do:

vtkTkRenderWidget .toplevel.frame.renWid
set renWin [.toplevel.frame.renWid RenderWindow]

you can manipulate renWin like a normal vtkRenderWindow (it is one).

- Olivier

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