[vtkusers] new release of vtk-cfd and vtkpipeline

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Sun Oct 29 11:36:35 EST 2000


This is to announce new releases of VTK-CFD (version 0.5) and the
python VTK pipeline browser (version 0.9).

Notable enhancements to VTK-CFD are PLOT3D structured grid support
with rudimentary support for multi-block data, postscript save option,
and a new stream line/ribbon/tube module.  Any number of streamlines
can be created using point sources.  The streamline configuration can
be saved and restored.

The pipeline browser features a new VtkPickler class using which one
can save/restore the state of a VTK object.  I have also done some
code cleanup and fixed some bugs.

Please visit the following for details:



As always, feedback is welcome.

Have fun!

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