[vtkusers] Data Typecasting question ?

Sathya Krishnamurthy skrishna at cscs.ch
Mon Nov 20 14:42:50 EST 2000

Hello Everybody, 

I am faced with this problem of Data Typecasting.

I have two classes say class A and class B.

class B provides class A with the data. i.e. class B reads the data
files and returns anyone of the following datatype

1. polydata 2. structured points 3. structured grid and 4. unstructured

and I need a single container in class A to hold this data. I tried using
vtkDataSet in class A  as
class A : public vtkDataSet

but it does not seem to work during run-time any instantiation crashes
with Seg. fault. The primary requirement for me is to have all the data in
class A and not in class B

If anybody can kindly help me how to go about doing this ?

If I am not clear or vague, please let me know I will post a more detailed

Thanks a lot


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