[vtkusers] Problem with CT and MRI images volume rendering.

amit saxena amit_saxena01 at yahoo.com.sg
Sat Nov 11 10:35:35 EST 2000

Hi Everyone,
     I was trying to make a 3D volume model from the
CT and the MR data set I was facing the following
problems. I hope somebody is able to help me out :

1) I apply the marching cubes algorithm taking the
value contour value which is same as the grayscale
value of the particular structure in the image. I am
not able to display the volume for that value.
Further, the values which are on pretty low end of the
histogram seem to map onto a very high value of the
contour. Is there any automatic way of finding out the
right value of the contour.

2) I also want to take the image which is rendered on
the screen for further processing . For that I need to
get the 3D dataset of the scalars.
    2.1) Is it possible by any means to get the 3D
dataset of scalars ?
    2.2) Will that data set contain the interpolated
data if I have data spacing factors which are not
equal to 1?

eagerly waiting for the replies 



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