[TIP] windows build : low priority

John Biddiscombe j.biddiscombe at rl.ac.uk
Tue May 30 17:29:28 EDT 2000

> are using the CVS), launching nmake *at command prompt* will
freeze your PC
> for sometimes more than 2 hours.

I experimented some time back with Borland's Precompiled headers
and for a while kept a utility program on my vtk/BCB web page for
assisting with them, but due to having too many emails from people
with a million different versions of vtk and BCB gave up
maintaining it...
However. I managed to reduce my "full build" of vtk from something
like an hour to about 5 minutes, by

#include "Precompiled_header.h"
#pragma hdrstop

at the start of all *.cxx files.

Precompiled_header.h contained
#include "vtkCommon.h"
#include "vtkGraphics.h"
#include "vtkImaging.h"

As a regular CVS user now, I've abandoned this because it's too
much trouble maintaining two copies of everything.

How about a petition to add
#include "Precompiled_header.h"
#pragma hdrstop

at the start of all vtk *.cxx files. it can be left to the user to
supply their own
"vtkPrecompiledHeader.h" but "ooooh" does it speed things up on
machines that support it.

I guess other platforms use different syntax which could be a
problem, but I'm sure it's a topic worthy of discussion.

John B

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