General Advice on VTK app

Maneesh Yadav 97yadavm at
Tue May 16 13:42:24 EDT 2000

Hi All
(BTW I finally got VTK running on both the octane in my lab and my

I have a simple pdb viewer up that puts atoms as spheres in a
vtkAssembly object.  Now my data strucutres (not part of VTK) are things
like Protien, Residue and Atom...residues being collection of atoms and
proteins being collection of residues (but the protien class also has an
array that points to all the atoms it contains), what is the general
way I should impliment multiple pick levels?

That is I would like the user to be able to move the entire molecule
around, or be able to pick a sole atom of a molecule and move that
around..or pick a a residue to provide as input to some routine that
mutates it.

Also currently VTK visualizes the data in my molecular related structures;
now when they become dynamic (atom positions change under mechanics
simulation), the actors will need to be updated.  Is there a general good
way to set this up, or just use something simple like make a list that
hold pairs of [data object, actor] (the questions stems from my lack of
experience in writing visualization software in general).

Thanks for any advice,

P.S. As a point of interest (per recent discussion) If I do end up writing
anything half decent; I will release this app open-source.

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