BUGRPT: Gaussian Splatter core dump

Randall Hopper aa8vb at yahoo.com
Mon May 15 13:17:52 EDT 2000

Continuing to look back at VTK issues I tabled while working on a project.

Here's a code bite that I distilled from a tool I wrote.  Gaussian splatter
core dumps if SPLAT_RADIUS_DIVISOR (at the top) is set to 20.  Set it to 10
(or lower generally) and splat works fine.

Could have something to do with the splats getting too thin.

Randall Hopper
aa8vb at yahoo.com
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""  VTK dumps core with SPLAT_RADIUS_DIVISOR = 20 (FP overflow).

from libVTKCommonPython import *
from libVTKGraphicsPython import *
from libVTKImagingPython import *


peacock = ( 0.2000, 0.6300, 0.7900 )

# Create the renderer, render window, and interactor
ren_win = vtkRenderWindow()
ren     = vtkRenderer()

ren.SetBackground( .8, .8, 2 )
ren_win.AddRenderer( ren )
iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
iren.SetRenderWindow( ren_win )
ren_win.SetSize( 640, 480 )

# Build a points-only polydata dataset
verts = [[ 0.03125,     5.03125   ,  0. ],
         [ 0.03125,     5.11530161,  0. ],
         # ...rows deleted for example purposes...
         [ 0.03125,     6.79633617,  0. ],
         [ 0.03125,     6.88038778,  0. ],
         [ 0.03125,     6.96443987,  0. ]]

points = vtkPoints()
for vert in verts:
  points.InsertNextPoint( vert[0], vert[1], vert[2] )

poly_ds = vtkPolyData()
poly_ds.SetPoints( points )

def SplatActor( poly_ds ):
  splatter = vtkGaussianSplatter()
  splatter.SetInput( poly_ds )
  splatter.SetSampleDimensions( 100, 60, 5 )
  splatter.SetScaleFactor( 1.0 )
  splatter.SetRadius( 0.3125 / SPLAT_RADIUS_DIVISOR )

  grid_size = (40.0, 10.0)
  bounds = [ 0.0, 40.0, 0.0, 10.0, -0.3125, 0.3125 ]
  cell_size = 0.3125
  bounds[4] = -cell_size
  bounds[5] = cell_size
  splatter.SetModelBounds( bounds )

  contour = vtkContourFilter()
  contour.SetInput( splatter.GetOutput() )
  contour.SetValue( 0, 0.5 )

  mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
  mapper.SetInput( contour.GetOutput() )

  actor = vtkLODActor()
  actor.SetMapper( mapper )
  actor.GetProperty().SetDiffuseColor( peacock )

  return actor

# Splat actor
splat_actor = SplatActor( poly_ds )
ren.AddActor( splat_actor )

# enable user interface interactor

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