John Biddiscombe j.biddiscombe at rl.ac.uk
Thu May 11 06:45:20 EDT 2000

>I have a 2d array of data in the form of a vtkStructuredPoints
>object. I want to do an FFT on this (actually, I want to convolve
>it with various types of filter, but the FFT will do to start with).
>VTK has various types of FFT algorithm, but they all seem to
>operate on images - vtkImageFFT for example. Can I input (and output) 
>other forms of structured data for this?

Yes. StructuredPoints is a subclass of Imagedata - but watch out, the FFT
stuff doesn't handle complex data properly.

(I hope I'm corrected on this point, because I wanted to convolve some
images and didn't get the results I wanted, so I exported the data to some
of my older software and did it using that - it was quicker than testing
the imageFFT extensively) ....

John B

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