Transforming Vectors and Tensors; and SVD

Nigel Nunn nNunn at
Mon May 8 19:47:43 EDT 2000

Hi David [dgobbi at], 

> It would be very nice if most (or all) of CLAPACK was
> available to VTK using vtkFloatArray and vtkDoubleArray
> as the array data types.  I'm uncertain whether converting
> CLAPACK to a C++ interface instead of a C interface would
> have anything to offer here, though.  VTK would probably
> use the C interface, since vtkDataArray doesn't use the STL
> but instead stores the data in a simple C array.

Agreed.  Perhaps something as simple as a few wrapper classes 
with methods that take vtkFloatArrays or vtkDoubleArrays and 
return on request any LAPACK factorization or solution?
Specifically, one class might manage calls to the Eig-Svd
branch of CLAPACK -- merely prepare parameters and call
the simple/expert/etc. drivers as indicated by flags.
  class vtkCLAPACK_EigSVD { ... }; 
  class vtkCLAPACK_LinSys { ... }; 
Member variables to store condition estimators, singular 
values, eigenstuff, basis transformations, etc.

LAPACK seems to divide into 4 parts:
  1. real Eig/Svd    (single/double) 
  2. real LinSys     (single/double) 
  3. complex Eig/Svd (single/double) 
  4. complex LinSys  (single/double) 
How much would you like to see made available?

nnunn at 
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