compiling vtk3.1

Ziji Wu wuzj at WPI.EDU
Fri Mar 31 17:31:54 EST 2000


I have a problem to compile vtk3.1 with Tcl/Tk8.3 on an alpha system. I got
libVTKCommon.a, libVTKGraphics.a, etc, basically all the other files before
running into an error message as follows:


I know it is probably something wrong with my Tcl/Tk since 'matherr' is a
function of Tcl/Tk, but I can't figure it out because I compiled everything
under tcl8.3.0/unix with a Makefile I got by running

 ./configure --enable-shared --enable-threads

from the tcl directory.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Another question I have is that can anybody tell me what improvements have
been done on the decimation and smoothing algorithms since vtk2.0?

Thank you very much!


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