newbee question

Joey Mukherjee joey at
Tue Mar 28 17:10:00 EST 2000

>I've reviewed the documentation and the examples, but I can't seem to find
>one missing piece of information.
>I have a group of raw coordinates(x,y,z triplets), and scalar values for
>these coordinates(floats). 
>I want to generate the volumetric data from the raw information, where the
>scalar values are blended smoothly. 
>I just can't seem to figure out from the documentation how to get there from
>here. And I'm not finding any examples that don't use pre-existing volume
>I've been able to use vtkPointSource to work out how to display the volume,
>but PointSource generates the volume from random points as PolyData for me.
>So, if someone can give me a pointer or two for how to go from raw points
>and values to a blended volume it should fill in the missing pieces of the

You can't go from raw to Volume without a structure.  In other words, you must 
have a structured dataset to use most of the volume routines.  To get a 
structured dataset from raw, you must use Delaunay3D, ShepardMethod, or one of 
the other ones which is a subset of vtkDatasetToStructuredPoints method.

You might take the PolyData which you have and do a ContourFilter over it and 
see if the resulting iso-surfaces are all you really need.


+     Joey Mukherjee                     "I am amused by the simplicity    +
+      joey at                      of this game.  Bring me your     +
+        finest meats and cheeses."       + 
+                                                                          +

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