Surface Rendering - Rat heart arteriole

Joey Mukherjee joey at
Tue Mar 28 14:47:33 EST 2000

> I have just started to use VTK(C++) and have gotten some
>preliminary examples up and running. The purpose of my project is to
>multiple images, extract points from the images and create a 3d surface
>representation from those points.
>for example:
>slice 1 points:
>        + + +
>        +   +
>        + + +
>slice 2 points:     
>        + + +
>        +   +
>        + + +
>therefore by stacking these two slices, I would get a cube.
>My data is not structured like the above examples.
>Any recommendations on where to begin, what pipline to use?

I kind of did that so I feel qualified to answer.

The easiest thing to do is get your data into a structured format where the 
topology is easy.  With that, you can the use the vtkStructuredGrid dataset.

If you choose not (or can not) do that, use a vtkUnstructuredGrid (or 
vtkPolyData) and insert your data into it.  Next, do a Delaunay3D over the 
dataset and from there you have a dataset which can either be mapped directly or 
vtkContourFilter'ed and the mapped.

Your pipelines would be :

vtkDataSet (either vtkStructuredGrid or vtkPolyData->vtkDelaunay3D)
vtkContourFilter (will create iso-surfaces)

Hope this helps!


+     Joey Mukherjee                     "I am amused by the simplicity    +
+      joey at                      of this game.  Bring me your     +
+        finest meats and cheeses."       + 
+                                                                          +

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