Jpeg Encoder in VTK?

Tom Lane tgl at
Thu Mar 9 14:12:46 EST 2000

Bill Hoffman <bill.hoffman at> writes:
> There are some issues with using libtiff and libjpeg.
> Both of these libraries use patented algorithms which might
> be troublesome for commercial products based on VTK.

I beg your pardon?

libjpeg never has contained any patented algorithms --- if you have
information to the contrary, I'd like to see it.

libtiff did have support for the patented LZW compression algorithm,
but as of the latest release it's not in the standard distribution
anymore (see  Which is a shame, since that
leaves TIFF without a decent standardized lossless compression method,
but it does mean you can include libtiff in a commercial product
without worries.

			regards, tom lane
			organizer, Independent JPEG Group
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