Jpeg Encoder in VTK?

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at
Thu Mar 9 11:49:21 EST 2000

There are some issues with using libtiff and libjpeg.
Both of these libraries use patented algorithms which might
be troublesome for commercial products based on VTK.

At 11:36 AM 3/9/00 -0500, David Gobbi wrote:
>Hi Julian, Sebastien,
>I think that a more conservative approach might be better,
>i.e. write a vtkJPEGWriter class that uses libjpeg.  That
>will a) guarantee compliance with the JPEG standard and
>b) be a lot easier than re-writing the JPEG code.
>A jpeg CODEC would also be nice, but in my opinion it should
>be separate from the JPEG writer.  
>The current vtkTIFFWriter should also be replaced one of these
>days... it doesn't even support the baseline TIFF standard!  It 
>would be nice if there was a compile-time options to use libtiff.
>Just to reiterate, any VTK image readers/writers for non-trivial
>file formats should be based on existing standard libraries 
>e.g. libtiff, libjpeg, libpng, libnetcdf, etc.  
>  - David

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