vtkVolume16reader Vs vtkBMPReader

vtk vtk at yifan.net
Tue Mar 7 18:44:01 EST 2000

Hello gurus:

I am just wondering how can I make vtkVolume16Reader works as

Here is the detail:

I know that if I have bunch of 'segmentated' BMP files, I can use
vtkBMPReader to procude a solid 3D model.
and if I only have bunch of 'non-sedmedtated' RAW files, I can use
vtkVolume16Reader to procude a hollow volume.

e.g. I have 50 human fumer slices, and I can convert them to both
RAW and BMP format, can I generate a 3D solid model by
vtkVolume16Reader? or how can I gererate a 3D solid model by
vtkBMPReader without pre-segmentation?

BTW, I am not sure whether the finial 3D solid model can be exported to
FEM program or not?  I remember someone in this list said the 3D model
generated by vtkMarchingCube could not be export to FEM programs...

someone can help me?

BTW, Thanks to fmri(fmri at wilma.ukbf.fu-berlin.de) and
Sebastien Barre (barre at sic.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr), I can read
my GE proprietary files by drop out the file head (6144 bytes). :-)
Best regards,
 vtk                          mailto:vtk at yifan.net

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