Can someone confirm how vtk deals with Shadows?

Renny Werner rendawg at
Mon Mar 6 16:07:46 EST 2000

If I understand correctly, the only way to get a vtk rendered image to
display shadows from light sources is to export it via vtkRIBExporter (with
vtkRIBLight and ShadowsOn()) and then load the resulting file into either
RenderMan or BMRT (Blue-Moon Ray Tracer).

I assume that this means that there is no way to have vtkRenderWindow
display shadows.

So, if I have an application that uses vtk to render and view data, the only
way I can get it to display that data with shadows is to have the
application export an ".rib" file and then incorporate BMRT into the
application to display it (of course, I could use RenderMan, but lets assume
that I don't have five spare grand lying around *grin*).

Is this correct?  Also, if someone out there has done something similar...
That is, put vtk and BMRT into a separate application via C++...  could they
be soooo kind as to email me some code samples of how they did it
(particularly the BMRT portion), I would be most grateful.

Thanks in advance,
Lawrence "Renny" Werner

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