Installation Problems

Paul F Brewster p.f.brewster at
Mon Mar 6 14:36:36 EST 2000

On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Hank Childs wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Paul F Brewster wrote:
> > I've spent the past few days trying to get VTK working on my SGI Irix
> > machine, and have made almost no progress. I'm on an Onyx2 running 6.5.4.
> > 
> > The main problem comes down to this. I can compile it with the cc and CC
> > compilers, and it seems to compile ok. For other reasons I have not been
> > able to get the Tcl versions to work. But when I try to write a CC program
> > and compile it I get linker errors.
> > 
> > ld32: WARNING 84 : /ump/dval/scratch/norm.5/vtk31/lib/ is
> > not used for resolving any symbol.
> > ld32: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib32/ is not used for resolving any
> > symbol.
> > ld32: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib32/ is not used for resolving any
> > symbol.
> > ld32: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib32/ is not used for resolving any
> > symbol.
> > 
> > The GL and X warnings are no big deal but I don't understand the VTKCommon
> > warning. Especially when after that I get these errors:
> > 
> > ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "vtkPolyDataReader::New(void)" --
> > 1st referenced by platonic.o.
> > ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "vtkRenderer::New(void)" -- 1st
> > referenced by platonic.o.
> > ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "vtkRenderWindow::New(void)" --
> > 1st referenced by platonic.o.
> > ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol 
> > "vtkRenderWindow::AddRenderer(vtkRenderer*)" -- 1st referenced by
> > platonic.o.
> > ....... etc.
> > 
> > Obviously there must be some sort of name mangling going on here, but I
> > don't understand how or why. I am using the CC compiler here too.
> > 
> > Anybody experience this before, or have any suggestions?
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> Hello Paul,
> The linker on my O2 seems to go through each library one at a time.  
> CC  stuff.o -llib1 -llib2
> It will look at stuff.o and create a list of unresolved symbols.  It will
> then look at lib1 and see if it can resolve any of those symbols as well
> as adding to the list of unresolved symbols for those routines it is
> linking in.  It then does the same thing for lib2.  Unfortunately, this
> means you have to put the libraries in the correct order.  
> I have mine as contrib, graphics, imaging, common and that seems to work
> fine.
> Good luck,
> Hank

Thanks for the reply. I did in fact have the order different, so I changed
them. That did not fix the problem though. In fact it even made me more
confused. The first one that gets linked in, in this case contrib, always
comes out with "not used for resolving any symbol". The others are fine.
But the same linker errors appear each time...



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