keyboard events

Hank Childs childs at
Sat Mar 4 17:41:13 EST 2000

> What is the best way to create new callbacks for keyboard events for
> those of us using C++ only (no Tcl)?
> Thanks
> Liz

Hello Liz,

Assuming your using X...

One way to do this is to take control of the callback loop yourself.
You do this by creating your own context (XtAppContext) and feeding it
into a vtkXRenderWindowInteractor.

// Standard stuff - mapper, actors, etc...
renWin  = vtkRenderWindow::New();

// Create the context
XtAppContext  context;
context = XtCreateApplicationContext();

// Add your own function to be called when something is entered into the
// keyboard.  Name of function is GetStdin.  0 is file descriptor for
// stdin.  
XtAppAddInput(context, 0, (XtPointer) XtInputReadMask,
                 (XtInputCallbackProc) GetStdin, NULL);

// Then create XRenderWindowInteractor
vtkXRenderWindowInteractor *iren   = vtkXRenderWindowInteractor::New();

// To enter the callback loop...

Then whenever someone enters something to the keyboard, you can catch it
and still be able to interact with your plot.

Hope this helps,


Hank Childs
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

phone: (925) 422-4035
email: childs3 at

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