I vote to have newsgroup

Cosine Cheng acosine at taiwan.com
Fri Mar 3 00:30:58 EST 2000


  I vote to have a newsgroup.

Part of the reasons are the same as Vetle Roeim,

I can read the title before I decide to read the

content or not. Also, I hate to clean my email account

so frequently.

  For those who against to have newsgroup simply

because junk mails, I don't think that's a very good

reason.  My point is that every person's time is

precious, and not everyone interests in others email,

either comments or questions. But using email list,

one HAVE to D/L ALL the content with many 
un-interseting topics.

  Based upon the above, I vote to have a newsgroup.

by Cheng Cosine
  Mar/02/2k UT

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