Surface from Points: best approach?

Audrius Stundzia adv_biologic at
Wed Mar 1 23:34:21 EST 2000

Dear vtker's

I'd appreaciate some advice on the best approach to construct
a surface from a collection of points. These points lie on gridlines
on the surface (imagine the surface gridline created by two sets of mutually 
orthogonal planes cutting a egg). I have about 12,000 points
on 80 gridlines.

Presumably I would like the surface to be reconstructed of type vtkPolyData, 
specifically triangle (strips). The question is how
best to get there?

How about the following

vtkPoints                ->
vtkCellArray (vtkVertex) ->
vtkCellArray (vtkLine)   ->

All go into

vtkPolyData ->

A concrete subclass of vtkPointSet, so I can pass it into

vtkVoxelModeller ->

giving structured points with occupancy recorded, from which
I can extract an isosurface using

vtkMarchingCubes ->

and create triangle strips using

vtkStripper ->

and finally display it.

If I instantiate vtkPolyData with vertices and lines, but not
polys, etc. can I generate triangles by passing the object into
vtkTriangle filter with the vertex and line passes turned on?

Any help / insight would be appreciated. Thanks.



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