[vtkusers] RE: Windows 2000 - Resize

Meintjes Bekker Meintjes at IGS-NT.uovs.ac.za
Mon Jun 19 09:41:48 EDT 2000

Thanks again for your reply and interest in my problem Nigel.

I've been using a nightly release of VTK when I first axperienced the

vtkNightlyCore.exe, downloaded 12/05/2000
vtkNightlyCpp.exe, downloaded 12/05/2000
vtkNightlyTcl.exe, downloaded 12/05/2000

but when that was not working I've tried:

vtkNightlyCore.exe, downloaded 19/05/2000
vtkNightlyCpp.exe, downloaded 19/05/2000
vtkNightlyTcl.exe, downloaded 19/05/2000

I've also tried vtk3.1, the official release.

The last thing I've tried was to compile the dll myself, using:
vtk.tar.gz, downloaded 19/05/2000

Still with the same result.

I also use Visual C++ 6 with service pack 3.

The Sample problem is unchanged, except for changing the background to
white, so that I can see where the window doesn't resize. 

A picture of what I experience is on the www at:
http://www.geocities.com/meintjesb. I've also included the view
class(vtkMFCRenderView) code.

  vtkRenderer  *m_Ren;
  vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow  *m_RenWin;
  vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor  *m_IRen;

are the objects like yours that I use.

Thanks again for your help.


> Hi Meintjes,
> > Thanks Nigel for your reply. I've tried your suggestion 
> > but it doesn't work.  What is strange about the whole 
> > thing it works fine on Windows 98/NT.
> The plot thickens!  How about some more clues?
>   What version of Vtk are you using?
>   What compiler?
>   What compiler service pack? 
>   Which Renderer, RenderWindow, and Interactor?
> For example, I use (under WinNT4.0)
>   Vtk  "nightly release" v3.1.2 (May 5, 2000)
>   Visual C++ v6.0 
>   Visual C++ Service pack 3
>   vtkRenderer  *m_Ren;
>   vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow  *m_RenWin;
>   vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor  *m_IRen;
> If there is a problem on Win2000, we need to know!
> Thanks,
> Nigel

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