[vtkusers] vtkScalarBarActor range problem

HIRAKI Hideaki hiraki at bioa.jst.go.jp
Wed Jul 12 23:01:59 EDT 2000

I think the problem is that the timestamp of a vtkLookupTable object 
is not updated when its TableRange is changed. This could be worked 
around by calling the method "Modified" of the lut explicitly or that 
of the scalarBar implicitly as you did. IMHO, this->Modified() is 
missing in vtkLookupTable::SetTableRange(). 

Hideaki Hiraki <hiraki at bioa.jst.go.jp>

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 11:17:03 +1000,
  In the message "RE: [vtkusers] vtkScalarBarActor range problem" <E972509D06BDD311A159009027D0E0CC775731 at cox-nh.nsw.cmis.CSIRO.AU>,
  "Palmer, Mark (CMIS, Floreat Park)" <Mark.Palmer at CMIS.CSIRO.AU> wrote:
>I think ive been trying to resolve the same (or at least a similar)problem
>for a little while. All i wanted to do was to be able to dynamicaly change
>the range of a scalarBar Actor, but with no success. However, i can now do
>it. The piece of tcl code at the bottom of this email demonstrates it. All
>it does is use a slider to change the upper limit of a scalar bar. The
>critical line, the 4th last line of code, i.e
>scalarBar SetTitle "$value"
>makes it happen. If this line is commented out then the upper limit remains
>unchanged. So, is this a feature or a bug? can someone clarify whats going
>on here?

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