VTK on Alpha platform?

Simon J. Rees sjrees at okstate.edu
Tue Jan 25 02:37:05 EST 2000

Yes, at least I have been running vtk2.3 OK. There was little trouble
compiling. I have had vtk running with the tcl/tk and java wrappers on this
platform. I submitted some vtk sphere benchmark results some time ago (see
http://www-sop.inria.fr/caiman/personnel/Robert.Riviere/vtk/sphere-bench/ ).
However, as MS and Compaq have pulled the plug on future support for NT on
the Alpha (i.e. no Windows 2000) I will be converting my machine over to
True64 Unix shortly.


----- Original Message -----
From: Louis le Grange <louis at softflo.com>
To: <vtkusers at gsao.med.ge.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 1:09 AM
Subject: VTK on Alpha platform?

> Can VTK be ported to the Dec Alpha platform running Windows NT?
> Regards, Louis
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