TclError: couldn't load file "vtkTkImageWindowWidget": invalid argument

Heather Drury heather at
Mon Jan 24 11:48:23 EST 2000


We have an application that runs fine under UNIX and are
trying to port to NT. I'm pretty unfamiliar with PC's (and
proud of it) and we are encountering the following problem:

  File "", line 42, in __init__'load',os.path.join(tkWidgetPath,'vtkTkImageWindowWidget'))
TclError: couldn't load file "vtkTkImageWindowWidget": invalid argument

Under UNIX, in the VTK release I'm using (2.40, build 268), the
file "vtkTkImageWindowWidget" gets seperately compiled from 
"" file. What is the analagous file on the PC?
Should this reference exist in the DLL on the PC?

Help please.


Heather Drury                               	heather at 
Senior Research Scientist in Neurobiology
Washington University School of Medicine	
Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology         	Phone: 314-362-4325
660 S. Euclid, MS 8108                       	FAX: 314-747-4370
St. Louis, MO 63110-1093

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