Decent Visual

David Clark ddclark at
Thu Jan 20 19:28:27 EST 2000

I just installed vtk on my rh 6.1 linux box.  It compiled with tcl,
tkwidget, patented, mesa, and shared options.  I have tcl/tk 8.0.5,
and mesa 3.1.  All seemed to go well.

However, when I try to run any of the demos, I get the error message

ERROR In vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 159
vtkOpenGLRenderWindow (0x8dbc090): Could not find a decent visual

I am running in 32 bit color depth.

Any Suggestions?



David D. Clark			Phone: (505)667-4147
Graduate Research Assistant	Fax: (505)665-4507
Biophysics, P-21		e-mail: ddclark at
Los Alamos National Lab
Los Alamos, NM 87544

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