vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter class

pahsieh at usgs.gov pahsieh at usgs.gov
Mon Jan 17 20:28:48 EST 2000

You can't use vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter because it is an abstract
base class. This class defines methods that are common to all filters that
structured points as input and return poly data as output. However, this
class does not
perform actual filtering. Also, there is no "standard" way of turning a
structured points dataset
into polygonal dataset.

If you want to visualize a structured points data set, there are several

1. You can simply pass it to a vtkDataSetMapper object. This will allow you
to see
the six sides of the structured points data set.

2. You can filter it with vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter and extract
sub-volumes or
planes. If you extract the entire data set, this will be equivalent to 1

3. You can use vtkContourFilter to look at isosurfaces.

4. You can use volume rendering techniques with a combination of color
and transparency to "see through" the data set.

Good luck.

                    tarifa <tarifa at rpi.edu>                                                            
                    Sent by:                        To:     vtkusers at gsao.med.ge.com                   
                    owner-vtkusers at gsao.gso.        cc:                                                
                    med.ge.com                      Subject:     vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter   
                    01/17/00 01:54 PM                                                                  

I'm a new user of the VTK. So, execuse me for the trivial question.

I'm trying to visualize a vtkStructuredPoints by converting the
vtkStructuredPoints to vtkPolyData by using the
vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter and then using the vtkPolyDataMapper.
However, each time I try to render I get the following run-time error:
(ERROR: In D:\vtk\graphics\vtkFilter.cxx, line 120
vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter (0x00D9ABC0): Execution of filter
shoule be
in derived class.)

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting this error? (I know that vtkFilter is a
superclass of this filter. It seems that I have to write the code for the
function Execute() my self???)
Can anyone tell me how to render vtkStructuredPoints?


Asad A. Abu-Tarif
ps. The code is attached to this email.
ps. I'm using version 2.3 with VC++ version 6, sp3 under Windows NT. I'm
using the document/view architecture (althoug I beleivethis is irrelevant).

Asad A. Abu-Tarif
3-D Image Registration.
PhD student, ECSE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).
MS, ECSE Rensselaer Polytechnis Institute (RPI).
Bsc, EE The University of Jordan.
tarifa at rpi.edu


vol = vtkStructuredPoints::New();
sp = 1.0/25.0;
vol->SetSpacing(sp, sp, sp);

scalars = vtkScalars::New();
// Fill the scalars


polyVol = vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter::New();

volMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
GetDocument()->volActor = vtkActor::New();


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