vtk and morphology

Brian Alexander Todd bat5 at po.cwru.edu
Tue Jan 11 17:10:32 EST 2000

Dear vtkers,

I would like to use vtk's implementations for dialation 
and erosion.  I'm not an image processing expert.

The vtk book applies these operations to binary images.
What other scalar types are supported?

Has anyone implemented blind reconstruction in

Brian Todd
  ________|                                                     |________
  \       |   Brian Todd                email: bat5 at po.cwru.edu |       /
   \      |   N.O.B.L.                   home: (216) 791-2407   |      /
    \     |   C.W.R.U.                 office: (216) 368-4209   |     /
    /     |   Cleveland, OH 44106         fax: (216) 368-4969   |     \
   /      |_____________________________________________________|      \
  /___________)                                              (__________\

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