Using OpenGL texture matrix in VTK?

Wilfrid Lefer lefer at
Thu Feb 24 10:27:13 EST 2000

OpenGL offers the possibility to define a texture matrix, which is defined as teh identity
matrix by default, the matrix being applied to all textures coordinates before rendering
occurs. As far as I know, this operation is performed in hardware when a 3D graphics card is
available and supports OpenGL.
I would like to know whether I could make use of this feature with VTK. Does anybody have a
response to my question (possible and why or not possible in VTK)?
Thanks in advance for your help.


|                          |                                         |
| Wilfrid LEFER            |  phone: (+33)             |
| LIL, B.P. 719            |  fax: (+33)               |
| 62 228 CALAIS Cedex      |  e-mail: lefer at     |
| FRANCE                   | |

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