DialogBox Visual C++ 5.0

Brian Alexander Todd bat5 at po.cwru.edu
Tue Feb 22 11:50:56 EST 2000

At 04:52 PM 2/22/00 +0100, Francis Bouchet wrote:
>I'd like build a display with my images included in a Dialog box built with
>Visual C++ 5.0.
>Has anybody already experimented something like that?
>If so, could you show me how I should proceed ?
>Thank you,

This is pretty much all you need to know.

wxWindow* canvas = new wxWindow();
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow* renWindow = vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow::New();

	HWND hwnd;
	renWindow->SetWindowId( (HWND) canvas->GetHWND() );

This is for wxWindows (GUI toolkit) under MSW.  I think if MSW has some
sort of windows base class, it should work the same way just replacing 
wxWindow's with whatever the MFC window is.  In fact I figured this out 
from the vtk MFC example.

By the way, can anyone tell me what the analog for this is under GTK?
e.g. How do you get vtk to render into a GTK window.

Brian Todd
 Brian Todd                email: bat5 at po.cwru.edu
 N.O.B.L.                   home: (216) 791-2407
 C.W.R.U.                 office: (216) 368-4209
 Cleveland, OH 44106         fax: (216) 368-4969
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