Where to get (more) examples for windows?

D. Chen dfchen at anet.ne.jp
Tue Feb 22 00:29:31 EST 2000

http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/vtkfaq?req=recent&days=365250 says:
  1.9. What's the best way to learn VTK?
  There are five things you might want to try: 
  1) Purchase the book "The Visualization Toolkit" ISBN 0-13-954694-4
  from amazon.com. 

  2) Purchase the "VTK Users Guide" from Kitware 

  3) Download the source code and/or binaries (available on Windows) 
  and work through the examples (there are 400-500 examples) 

Where to get (more) examples for windows?

Thanks in advance for your kind help.
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