vtkVoxelModeller and vtkStructuredPointsWriter
Bill Lorensen
wlorens1 at nycap.rr.com
Sat Feb 19 16:14:00 EST 2000
Thanks for the bug report.
This was badly broken after 2.4. I have checked in changes for both
vtkDataReader and vtkDataWriter. To repair your 2.4, try the following:
change s = ((vtkBitArray *)data)->GetValue(i);
to s = ((vtkBitArray *)data)->GetValue(idx);
Add the else clause below:
if ( !((idx+1)%8) )
*fp << "\n";
*fp << " ";
if ( ! strncmp(type, "int", 3) ) -> if ( ! strncmp(type, "bit", 3) )
in ReadArray handling for bit arrays.
I've modified a test script to check for this.
At 10:43 AM 2/18/00 +0100, Miguel Angel Martin Fernandez wrote:
>Hello vtk users,
> I'm trying to write the output of the filter vtkVoxelModeller and
>I only obtain 0's. I'm using VTK 2.4 (with VTK 2.0 it worked properly).
>The tcl program is basically the next:
>vtkSphereSource sphereModel
>vtkVoxelModeller voxelModel
> voxelModel SetInput [sphereModel GetOutput]
> voxelModel SetSampleDimensions 21 21 21
>vtkStructuredPointsWriter writer
> writer SetFileName prueba.vtk
> writer SetInput [voxelModel GetOutput]
> writer Write
>The file obtained is the next:
># vtk DataFile Version 2.0
>vtk output
>DIMENSIONS 21 21 21
>SPACING 0.14924 0.14683 0.15
>ORIGIN -1.4924 -1.4683 -1.5
>SCALARS scalars int 1
>0 0 0 0 0 0
>0 0 0 0 0 0
>... (skip)
>0 0 0 0 0 0
> Do you know what is wrong?
> Thanx in advance.
> Miguel.
> ________________________________________________________
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> \········(_ Miguel Ángel Martín Fernández _)········/
> \·······(_ ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad de Valladolid _)·······/
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