3.4 beta : Bug report : PolyDataMapper

John Biddiscombe j.biddiscombe at rl.ac.uk
Fri Feb 18 08:54:36 EST 2000

If you create a valid polydata object...

Perform some filter operation which return a subset of the polydata object
(eg clipping)

Iff the resulting filter output contains no points (and no cells - we hope)
ie dataset->GetNumberOfPoints() return zero, then the bounding box of the
dataset is set to be

or similar.

When displaying an actor connected to a clipper or whatever that returns
nothing, the mapper barfs and gives an invalid floating point operation.

If the Dataset has points - BUT no cells, it works OK. Which incidentally
means that if you try to save memory by reference counting a pointset, but
mask some cells out (i.e. vtkReallyReallyDeleteCell !!!) then the Bounding
box is set to that of the points and not that of the cells. This is really
irrelevant, but might be worth looking at whilst doing the other.


John B

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