How to Showing 3 things in a VTK window

Cosine Cheng acosine at
Fri Feb 25 14:25:58 EST 2000

  I wrote a VTK script that can change the color
of a cube in the window. Then I start to think
that how to put several things in ONE window but still have
the control to each object.
  Say, I put a cube, a sphere, and a rectangular in one window.
Then I can change the color INDIVIDUALLY for the cube, the sphere,
and the rectangular to Red, Green, or Blue color.
  How can I do that?

Below is my VTK script.
# ui2.tcl
catch {load vtktcl}
source E:/WIN32APP/vtk24/examples/vtkInt.tcl
vtkRenderer ren
vtkRenderWindow renWin
    renWin AddRenderer ren
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
    iren SetRenderWindow renWin
vtkCubeSource cube
vtkPolyDataMapper cubeMapper
   cubeMapper SetInput [cube GetOutput]
vtkActor cubeActor
   cubeActor SetMapper cubeMapper
   [cubeActor GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0
# these three functions are called by the buttons
proc setR {} {
   [cubeActor GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0
   renWin Render
proc setG {} {
   [cubeActor GetProperty] SetColor 0 1 0
   renWin Render
proc setB {} {
   [cubeActor GetProperty] SetColor 0 0 1
   renWin Render
frame .f
button .f.bR -text "red" -command setR
button .f.bG -text "green" -command setG
button .f.bB -text "blue" -command setB
pack .f .f.bR .f.bG .f.bB
ren AddActor cubeActor
renWin Render

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