[vtkusers] I'm stupid - (Python 2.0 question)

David Gobbi dgobbi at irus.rri.on.ca
Fri Dec 15 13:19:26 EST 2000

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Justin Vose wrote:

> Hi all,
> Nevermind.  Turns out I'm NOT stupid, just impatient.  Works like a charm
> now.
> The answer to the question:
> Place vtk.dll in WINNT/System
> Place all other DLLs in Python20/DLLs
> Place all .lib's (except vtk.lib) in Python20/libs
> Rename the 'python' directory to vtk (or whatever) and copy into Python20
> Create a file in Python20 called 'vtkpython.pth' - contents: whatever you
> renamed the 'python' directory to above.
> Fire up python.  Import vtkpython - and go nuts.
> Cya!
> Justin

Glad that it works for you.  Sometime in January or February I hope
to add pcmaker build support for the vtkTkRenderWidget.dll for python.
Until then, I've attached a hacked-together .bat file that will 
build it (it will almost certainly have to be modified for your system).
The vtkTkRenderWidget.dll should go in the System32 folder (along with
vtkdll.dll, or all the small independant DLLs if you build with
incremental linking).  The vtkpython.dll should preferentially go
in with all of the .py files, rather than in DLLs, but it will work
in both locations.

 - David

  David Gobbi, MSc                    dgobbi at irus.rri.on.ca
  Advanced Imaging Research Group
  Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario
-------------- next part --------------
cl.exe /D "STRICT" /nologo /MD /O2 /I "%COMPPATH%\Include" /I "..\..\vtk\common" /I "..\..\vtk\graphics" /I "..\..\vtk\imaging" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS"  /I "..\..\vtk\pcmaker\xlib" /I "\..\generic" /D "VTK_USE_PATENTED" /I "..\..\vtk\patented"  /D "VTK_USE_CONTRIB" /I "..\..\vtk\contrib"  /D "VTK_USE_LOCAL" /I "..\..\vtk\local" /I .. /D "_WINDLL" /D "_MBCS"  /D "VTK_LEAN_AND_MEAN" /D VTK_PYTHON_BUILD /Foobj\ /c ..\..\vtk\graphics\vtkTkRenderWidget.cxx"

link.exe obj\vtkTkRenderWidget.obj /dll /incremental:no /pdb:vtktkrenderwidget.pdb /machine:I386 /out:..\lib\vtkTkRenderWidget.dll /implib:vtkTkRenderWidget.lib /libpath:"%COMPPATH%\Lib" "%COMPPATH%\lib\gdi32.lib" "%COMPPATH%\lib\user32.lib" /nologo /version:1.3 /subsystem:windows "C:\PROGRA~1\Python20\Tcl\tk83.lib" "C:\PROGRA~1\Python20\Tcl\tcl83.lib"  ..\lib\vtkCommon.lib ..\lib\vtkGraphics0.lib ..\lib\vtkGraphics1.lib  ..\lib\vtkGraphics2.lib  ..\lib\vtkGraphics3.lib  ..\lib\vtkGraphics4.lib ..\lib\vtkImaging.lib ..\lib\vtkPatented.lib ..\lib\vtkContrib.lib ..\lib\vtkLocal.lib 

cl.exe /D "STRICT" /nologo /MD /O2 /I "%COMPPATH%\include" /I "..\..\vtk\common" /I "..\..\vtk\graphics" /I "..\..\vtk\imaging" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS"  /I "..\..\vtk\pcmaker\xlib" /I "\..\generic" /D "VTK_USE_PATENTED" /I "..\..\vtk\patented"  /D "VTK_USE_CONTRIB" /I "..\..\vtk\contrib"  /D "VTK_USE_LOCAL" /I "..\..\vtk\local" /I .. /D "_WINDLL" /D "_MBCS"  /D "VTK_LEAN_AND_MEAN" /D VTK_PYTHON_BUILD /Foobj\ /c ..\..\vtk\imaging\vtkTkImageWindowWidget.cxx"

link.exe obj\vtkTkImageWindowWidget.obj /dll /incremental:no /pdb:vtktkimagewindowwidget.pdb /machine:I386 /out:..\lib\vtkTkImageWindowWidget.dll /implib:vtkTkImageWindowWidget.lib /libpath:"%COMPPATH%\lib" "%COMPPATH%\lib\gdi32.lib" "%COMPPATH%\lib\user32.lib" /nologo /version:1.3 /subsystem:windows "C:\PROGRA~1\Python20\Tcl\tk83.lib" "C:\PROGRA~1\Python20\Tcl\tcl83.lib" ..\lib\vtkCommon.lib ..\lib\vtkGraphics0.lib ..\lib\vtkGraphics1.lib  ..\lib\vtkGraphics2.lib  ..\lib\vtkGraphics3.lib  ..\lib\vtkGraphics4.lib ..\lib\vtkImaging.lib ..\lib\vtkPatented.lib ..\lib\vtkContrib.lib ..\lib\vtkLocal.lib 

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