[vtkusers] Question about outline box (from vtkOutlineFilter)

Aleksey Naumov naumov at acsu.buffalo.edu
Fri Aug 25 01:13:06 EDT 2000

Dear VTK users,

I have what seems like a simple problem...
I take a vtkStructuredPoints dataset, convert it to polygons with
vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter and then warp it by scalar values with

vtkWarpScalar. Then I display the resulting surface together with it's
outline (bounding box) obtained with vtkOutlineFilter.

The problem is: the outline box is always drawn on top of the surface,
where it should not be visible, i.e. blocked by the surface. I see that
the surface
fits completely into the outline (this is evident when I rotate the
scene), yet it
never blocks any part of the box. What am I doing wrong? The surface has

opacity 1 (the default), so this can't be the reason...

Any ideas?


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