[vtkusers] Importing vtkpython

Mikkel Bollinger mbolling at fysik.dtu.dk
Mon Aug 21 14:22:49 EDT 2000

I'm writing an VTK application in python. I have recently downloaded 
the nightly release of VTK and run configure with: 
./configure --with-mesa --with-shared --with-x --with-python \
     --with-tkwidget --with-patented --with-contrib
VTK is then compiled but an error is raised when I try to import the VTK
modules from python:

>>> from vtkpython import *
Traceback (innermost last): 
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? 
ImportError: ./vtkpython.so: undefined symbol: initlibVTKLocalPython

I have then tried to configure VTK with the additional 
option: --with-local. However, then the compilation cannot be completed
due to missing files in the 'local' directory.

Is there somebody who has encountered the same problem (and found a
solution) ?

Mikkel Bollinger

Mikkel Bollinger
Center for Atomic-scale Materials Physics (CAMP)
Department of Physics, Building 307,
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

E-Mail: mbolling at fysik.dtu.dk
Phone +45 45253204

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