[vtkusers] vtkExtractSurface help

David D. Marshall gte552m at prism.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 14 16:41:34 EDT 2000

I have structured and unstructured grid data that I'm trying to
visualize cross-sections of using vtkCutter.  If I am drawing the
contour lines on the cut surface, then I also want to draw the edge of
the cut surface, for this I'm using vtkFeatureEdges.  My pipeline is
vtkDataSet->vtkCutter->vtkFeatureEdges->vtkPolyDataMapper->... for the
edge of the cut surface.  This works great if the vtkDataSet is a
structured grid, however if the vtkDataSet is an unstructured grid, I
get ~90% of all triangle edged of surface drawn.  I don't understand why
since both are coming from the cutter.  I tried turning off everything
but edges in the vtkFeatureEdges filter (i.e. non-manifold edges,
manifold edges, and feature edges) with no success.  Am I doing
something wrong?

PS  If needed I could probably whip up a tcl sample, but I'm not working
in tcl and I didn't want to do that work if it isn't necessary.  Thanks.

David D. Marshall
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
mailto:gte552m at prism.gatech.edu

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