A little help?

Geoffrey Dix dix at mmm.mmm.ucar.EDU
Fri Apr 21 15:41:19 EDT 2000

Here is something I posted on Wednesday:

To All,

>I am trying to compile vtk3.1 with tcl8.3.  I keep getting this error:

>"./tkAppInit.cxx", line 54: Error: Only one of a set of overloaded functions can
 be extern "C".
>"./tkAppInit.cxx", line 55: Error: Trying to take the address of the overloaded 
function matherr.
>"./tkAppInit.cxx", line 195: Warning: String literal converted to char* in forma
l argument varName in call to Tcl_SetVar(Tcl_Interp*, char*, char*, int).
>"./tkAppInit.cxx", line 195: Warning: String literal converted to char* in forma
l argument newValue in call to Tcl_SetVar(Tcl_Interp*, char*, char*, int).
>2 Error(s) and 2 Warning(s) detected.
>*** Error code 2
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `tkAppInit.o'
>Current working directory /data5/pm/dix/vtk31/tcl
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `build_tcl'

>I also get the 'String literal converted to char*' warning throughout
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I will add that my C++ compiler is a Sparc compiler v5.0.  I would really
appreciate a reply.


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