Rectilinear scaling

Joey Mukherjee joey at
Tue Apr 18 14:05:16 EDT 2000

I've got a rectilinear dataset which has limits of 20-160 in Y, 1-100 in Z, and 
0-240000 in X which produces a plot which is probably correct (I can zoom in and 
see the features), its just scaled to where it shows up as a single line.  

Is there a way I can say, "don't draw to scale", and show a somewhat 
"normalized" plot without having to change the bounds so my axes labels show up 


+     Joey Mukherjee                     "I am amused by the simplicity    +
+      joey at                      of this game.  Bring me your     +
+        finest meats and cheeses."       + 
+                                                                          +

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