How can i Copy an vtkActor ( vtkMapper ) ?

Luebeck, Harald Harald.Luebeck at
Tue Sep 14 05:01:20 EDT 1999

How can create an exact copy of an vtkActor. I need an copy not an refrence
because i want to modify some Properties without modifing the original

At the moment i use the folloing code :

// Copy Mapper through DataSet
pDataSet->CopyStructure( pShapeActor->GetMapper()->GetInput() );
// Set new mapper 
pMapper->SetInput( pDataSet );
pActor->SetMapper( pMapper );

How can i copy the rest of the data. i.e TCoords, Scalars ... ?

Thanks for any help.

Harald Lübeck

GFT Technologies AG
Leopoldstr 1
78112 St. Georgen

E-Mail:	hlk at

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